Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WoW MOP Enchanting Leveling Guide 1 - 600

This WoW Enchanting guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to level your Enchanting skill up from 1 to 600. Updated for WoW patch 5.0.5
You will spend a lot of gold on this profession if you want to buy every materials from the Auction House. It depends on the realm economy, but can cost up to thousands of gold.
Enchanting really goes well with Tailoring, if you level Tailoring and Enchanting at the same time, you can disenchant most of the cloths you make, but it's good with any other crafting/gathering profession.
If you are low on gold, I recommend you to try this Gold Making Guide, it can help you to make loads of gold.
If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend you to use a leveling guide. You can level your character to level 90 in 7 days with this guide.

Enchanting guide sections:

Approximate Materials Required for 1-600:
It is not recommended to buy everything before you get to that skill level where you need the materials.
  • 1 x Copper Rod
  • 134 x Strange Dust
  • 10 x Greater Magic Essence
  • 10 x Simple Wood
  • 25 x Lesser Astral Essence
  • 120 x Soul Dust
  • 155 x Vision Dust
  • 20 x Purple Lotus
  • 25 x Lesser Nether Essence
  • 15 x Lesser Eternal Essence
  • 230 x Dream Dust
Burning Crusade - Outland
  • 340 x Arcane Dust
  • 5 x Large Prismatic Shard
  • 20 x Lesser Planar Essence
  • 15 x Nightmare Vine
  • 15 x Crystal Vial
Wrath of the Lich King - Northrend
  • 274 x Infinite Dust
  • 2 x Lesser Cosmic Essence
  • 6 x Dream Shard
  • 6 x Crystallized Water
  • 353 x Hypnotic Dust
  • 10 x Lesser Celestial Essence
  • 35 x Greater Celestial Essence
  • 100 x Spirit Dust
  • 34 x Mysterious essence

Enchanting Leveling Guide 1 - 50

Before you start this Enchanting guide, first lets see which items gives what, when you disenchant it. Go to myDisenchanting Guide, there you can find all the information you need.
Visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Enchanting.
Check out my Enchanting guide 1-110. It's about leveling Enchanting from 1 to 110 with almost no cost at all.
I also recommend you to go to the Auction House right now and search for the following recipe: [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina]
You should put most enchants on a Vellum if you can afford it, then try to sell the enchant at the Auction House. You can buy [Enchanting Vellum] from the Enchanting Supply vendors near your trainer.

50 - 135

Learn Enchanting Journeyman.
  • 90-100
    10 x [Enchant Bracer: Minor Stamina] - 30 Strange Dust
  • If the Strange Dust is cheap and the Greater Magic Essence is too expensive on your realm, you can make this Enchant up to 120.

135 - 220

Learn Enchanting Expert.
  • 155-185
    40 x [Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength] 80 Soul Dust
  • This one turns yellow at 165, however if 2 Soul Dust is a lot cheaper than 1 Lesser Mystic Essence, keep making these until 185. If it's not then at 165 switch to:
    20 x [Enchant Bracer: Spirit] - 20 Lesser Mystic Essence

220 - 275

Learn Enchanting Artisan.
  • 250-260
    10 x [Lesser Mana Oil] - 30 Dream Dust, 20 Purple Lotus, 10 Crystal Vial
    Recipe sold by Kania at Silithus.
    You can make [Enchanted Thorium Bar] as an alternative if you don't have Purple Lotus. The recipe will be yellow when you learn it and it turns green at 255, but it is pretty cheap to make. You can also just continue to make the previous recipe up to 265.
  • 265-300
    40 x [Enchant Shield: Greater Stamina] - 200 Dream Dust
    Recipe location - Watch out! This one binds when picked up. Don't make the mistake of trying to buy it with an alt and mail it. It's also a limited supply item, this means you have to wait if someone bought it before you.
  • Check the Auction House and if 2 [Small Brilliant Shard] is cheaper than 5 [Dream Dust] then go to Winterspring and find Qia then buy the recipe [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health] and make the enchant until you run out of Shards, or when you reach 300. The recipe requires Enchanting skill 275 to learn, so you will need some Dream Dust between 265-275 to make the Shield enchant.

300 - 350

  • 320-330
    12 x [Enchant Gloves - Assault] - 96 Arcane Dust
    If Arcane Dust is expensive on your realm, or you don't want to level with a yellow recipe because it's based on luck how many skill points you gain, then you should make the following recipe:
    10 x [Enchant Chest - Major Spirit] - 20 Greater Planar Essence
  • 330-335
    5 x [Enchant Shield - Major Stamina] - 75 Arcane Dust
    Recipe sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City. While you are here, you should also buy the next two recipe in the guide. Do not leave Outland until you bought them. Just click on the links below and see where they are. Superior Wizard Oil is also sold by Madame Ruby.
  • 335-340
    5 x [Enchant Shield - Resilience] - 5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence
    There is an alternative really cheap method, but only Blood Elves can benefit from it. Due to their Racial Ability it allows them to gain ten free skill ups by converting a Large Prismatic Shard into three Small Prismatic Shards and back again. Only the conversion from one Large Prismatic Shard to three Small Prismatic Shards is effected by this. Therefore, you will only have the chance to gain skill ups half of the time (since the other half of the time you'll be converting back to three Small Prismatic Shards). This can make for a fairly lengthy session in gaining your ten free levels.
    What you need:
    [Formula: Large Prismatic Shard] - Sold by these NPCS.
    [Formula: Small Prismatic Shard] - You learn this from your trainer.
  • 340-350
    15 x [Superior Wizard Oil] - 45 Arcane Dust, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Crystal Vial - Recipe location
    This recipe is yellow already when you learn it, so you might need to make 14-16.

350 - 425

425 - 500

Visit your trainer and learn Enchanting Illustrious Grand Master.
From this point you should really try to put most enchants on a Vellum, then try to sell the enchant at the Auction House.
  • 485-490
    5 x [Enchant Gloves - Greater Expertise] - 25 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence
    You can also start making the next recipe in the guide if you want to, and skip this part. It depends on the price of Greater Celestial Essence.
Check your Calendar in-game to see if the Darkmoon Faire is open, the event starts at 00:01 on the Sunday before the 1st Monday of each month.
You can gain +5 skill points by completing a single quest. Click here to read more about the quests.

500 - 600

Visit your trainer and learn Zen Enchanting.
  • 551-557
    Make 2 Ring Enchants - 4 Spirit Dust
I hope you liked this Enchanting guide, congratulations to 600!

Buy Enchanting 1-600 from Guy4game.

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